Die Zerstörung des Mythos von der Friedfertigen Frau: Der Einfluss von Sozialen Gruppenkontexten auf das Direkte Aggressionsverhalten von Frauen

Translated: The Destruction of the Peaceful Woman Myth: The Impact of Social Group Contexts on the Direct Aggression Behavior of Women

(Peter Lang Verlag, 1998)

Text on back cover: In this book, Claudia Leeb delivers a critical perspective on the current traditional as well as feminist aggression research discourse. She challenges the female/non-aggressive and male/aggressive opposition found in these discourses and introduces “direct female aggression” as a positive concept for women. The development of the qualitative research design is based on her argument that aggression is more determined by social group contexts than by gender: after viewing movies that display aggressive behavior of women, different women’s groups discuss their aggression behavior. She uses psychoanalytic textual interpretation (after Leithhauser and Volmerg) to analyze the group discussions. The analysis exposes the unconscious fears, wishes and fantasies in relation to direct female aggression. The results demonstrate that aggression is more determined by social groups’ contexts than by gender. This book is of central interest to scholars in all academic disciplines who study human aggression.

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