Requirements: Texts and Contexts: Old Worlds and New

1. Regular and punctual attendance, participation in class discussions and class presentations (30% of grade)

Chronic lateness or excessive absences (i.e. more than two classes) results in the forfeit of the class participation grade.

You are expected to do all the required readings. We are pursuing close textual reading and rigorous philosophical discussions. This implies that each of us can have a different interpretation of the texts we are studying. In order to defend your interpretation you need to be able to refer to the text-passage that supports your interpretation.

You are asked to present the readings of one class session. The presentation is 10-15 minutes. Students prepare a one-page outline of the presentation, to be distributed to the entire class on the day of and prior to their presentation.

2. Completion of two writing assignments (35% of grade each)

Each paper is no more or less than ten pages double-spaced. I do not accept late papers. I encourage students to visit the Center for Writing and Speaking for tutorial assistance with writing assignments.

The first paper is due on march 25 at 11.30 am in my mailbox.

The second paper is due on May 6 at 11.30 am in my mailbox.

It is essential that students check and respond to email throughout the term.