Course Requirements: The Frankfurt School in New York City

Quizzes/Tests: 25%

Response Papers to Lectures and Cultural Experiences in New York City: 30%

Travel Journal: 10%

Final Paper: 20%

Participation: 15%

Attendance: There are three components to this course. The first two weeks will be spent on campus at Roanoke College. On campus sessions will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The following week will be in New York City, and the last three days we are back on campus at Roanoke College. Due to the intensive nature of this course, attendance is mandatory at all on-campus class meetings.

During the travel period in New York, students must participate in all activities to receive credit. No exceptions can be made. Students who miss activities in New York City will receive a 0 for the corresponding response papers.

Response Papers: Response papers should be no longer than two pages double-spaced in length. Each paper should summarize and analyze the main content of the four lectures in New York City.

Travel Journals: Students will maintain a “journal” recording their experiences and reflections that will be turned in upon their return to campus. The journal, which should not exceed seven pages in length, should include reflections on the cultural activities in New York and relate the experience back to the lectures and readings on the Frankfurt School.

Final Paper: The final paper should be seven to eight pages in length. Students need to first, provide a clear statement of their question and thesis, second, outline a thorough reconstruction of the thinker’s arguments, third engage in a critical evaluation of the discussed thinker, fourth provide a clear conclusion. Students also need to properly cite and use textual evidence to support their arguments.

Make-Up Tests/Exams: Because of the intensive nature of this course, make-up quizzes/tests/exams cannot be offered.

General Course Policies:

Professionalism: Students need to come to class on time and prepared, contribute to class discussions, take notes in class, listen to others while they speak, not sleep in class, not interrupt the class by talking to peers, and not leave the room during sessions, except in the event of an “emergency.” In New York City, students are expected to behave in a manner appropriate for their environment.

As is perhaps clear by now, our main goal for this trip is to make it both educational and fun.  In order to ensure that this happens, we ask that you read the following guidelines for our trip, and sign an agreement stating that you will abide by them for the duration of the course.  A failure to follow any of these guidelines will lead to your being removed from the class and returned to the United States at your own expense.  We don't anticipate any problems, of course, but we feel that it's always wise for everyone on an excursion like this to have a clear sense of what's expected of them.  A copy of this form will be sent to your parents. 

1.  No illegal drugs or narcotics are allowed on the trip.  If we catch you with them, you'll be sent home at your own expense.  If the New York City Police Department catches you with them, you will have to deal with the NYPD authorities. 

2.  No abuse of alcohol, or abuse of yourself or others resulting from alcohol use.  Though some of you are legally allowed to drink, excessive drinking on the trip can undermine the pleasure of others and will result in your being returned to Roanoke. Be mature; if you do drink, drink in moderation. 

  1. 3. All students are expected to respect the needs of others on this trip.  Thus, all students must: 

  2. a. Come to lectures and activities on time.  Unexcused absences will not be tolerated.   Plan ahead and be prepared so others don't have to wait.           

  3. b. Keep reasonable hours to ensure that you are not tardy/absent for lectures and activities.

  4. c. Respect the property of others and not borrow or use items belonging to others without their stated permission. 

  5. 4. Whenever students do leave the rest of the group, they should always take the name and phone number of our hotel or residence.  Should an emergency arise, students should call the hotel and speak with a faculty member or leave a message. 

  6. 5. Students should remember that this is a course taken for credit.  All Roanoke College student conduct policies and academic integrity policies apply to this course. 

6.  Any destruction of property or other embarrassment to Roanoke College will NOT be tolerated.